STEEL GUITAR RAG - OPEN A (or Open G) Tunings

Steel Guitar Rag - A Tuning CVR.jpg
Steel Guitar Rag - A Tuning CVR.jpg

STEEL GUITAR RAG - OPEN A (or Open G) Tunings


STEEL GUITAR RAG is the instrumental credited with popularizing the steel guitar as an integral instrument in a Western Swing band. Written by Leon McAuliffe, it was first recorded by Bob Wills and The Texas Playboys in 1936. There is some controversy over it’s origins because the song bears a striking resemblance to “Guitar Rag” recorded by guitarist Sylvester Weaver in 1927.

Enjoy this Western Swing classic!

OPEN A TUNING (low to high) A C# E A C# E

OPEN G TUNING (low to high) G B D G B D

NOTE: To play the song in the standard high bass Open G tuning, play the same tab positions as Open A and simply lower the accompanying chord changes by one whole step.

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Note: Midi audio usually sounds closer to a keyboard than a steel guitar but it is useful for demonstrating the rhythms, feel and overall intent of an arrangement or musical passage. Make this music come alive on your steel guitar!