NIGHT AND DAY - C6th Tuning (PDF Digital Download)

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Night & Day CVR.jpg

NIGHT AND DAY - C6th Tuning (PDF Digital Download)


In Tab & Standard Notation

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Night and Day was was written by Cole Porter in 1932. Over the years the song has become a beloved pop and jazz standard recorded by hundreds of artists. Hawaiian steel guitarist Ralph Kolsiana recorded a memorable live version in E13th tuning in the mid 1950s while sitting in with a jazz group at the Chase Hotel in Santa Monica. My arrangement in C6th tuning took inspiration from both guitarist Joe Pass’s paraphrasing of the melody and the notated version that appears in the legendary Real Book.

C6th Tuning (low to high) C E G A C E

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Note: Midi audio usually sounds closer to a keyboard than a steel guitar but it is useful for demonstrating the rhythms, feel and overall intent of an arrangement or musical passage. Make this music come alive on your steel guitar!